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Are you in a conflictual situation with your child?

Has your child rejected contact with you? Have you tried everything, but nothing seems to work?


There are common reasons why children decide not to see their parents. Sometimes it helps to know why. Once you understand why, you will have a place to start to repair your relationship with your child.

For therapists and other professionals: find out whether you are prepared for the possibility of testifying in court.


Conversations with Cathy Himlin.

I joined Seth Nelson of NLG Divorce & Family Law and Pete Wright of TruStory.FM on the How to Split a Toaster podcast to discuss a child-centered approach in divorce parenting. We chat about how to help them understand the full impact of divorce and cope with the changes. 

In this episode, we offer insights on:
• Being mindful of how your emotions and behaviors affect your children during divorce
• Focusing on your children's needs and creating safe spaces for them to express their feelings
• Why seeking professional help, like reunification therapy, can be crucial in maintaining and repairing parent-child bonds

Visit their podcast page at

"Step into the world of high-conflict divorce on the Modern Divorce Podcast, where we tackle a pressing issue head-on: Parental Alienation. Today's important espisode features Reunification Family Therapist, Cathy Himlin, of Himlin Consulting, teaming up with family law attorney and host, Billie Tarascio, to unpack the elements of this complex phenomenon and equip you with the essential parenting skills you needto rebuild a connection with your child.

In this important episode, Cathy shares some amazing insights driving Parental Alienation, including:

  • The surprising truth behind why even 'nice guy' parents can find themselves on the outside looking in

  • The contentious issues surrounding reunification camps

  • The hidden layers of grief that silently shape family dynamics

  • How children absorb their parents' emotions like sponges

  • The detrimental effects of permissive parenting

  • The stages of child development that can potentially influence on parental rejection

Even if you're the parent who is spending the majority of time with your child, this episode unveils a host of issues that every single parent should be aware of."
Visit their podcast page at

"Is your child avoiding or refusing contact with you? Are you in a conflictual custody situation? Have you tried everything, but nothing seems to work?


You do not want to miss this week of "One Day You'll Thank Me" with special guest expert, Cathy Himlin, LMFT, LPCC. Cathy has over 25 years of experience working with families, kids, and their parents. As a court-involved social worker and therapist with dependency and family law cases, she has seen how beneficial a child-centered approach is.

Listen in as Tara and Cathy discuss what happens when high-conflict divorce leads to estrangement between parent and child. Learn tips for reunification and to help bridge the gap, including:

- Child-centered parenting specifically created for estranged parents.

- Learn why children may avoid parents and ways to reach your child.

- How to help your child feel safe, heard and loved by you.

- How do we define “parent-child estrangement”? What behaviors and emotions are observable when a parent and child are estranged? 

-Ideally, what role should the preferred parent play in the reunification process?


Website -Dr. Tara Egan's child & adolescent therapy services books, webinars, public speaking opportunities, and coaching/consultation services, Go HERE."

Visit her podcast page at:

"Parental alienation is a real thing. It’s not as simple as one parent trying to turn a child against the other. It involves a variety of factors that can exist in any given family, including the children’s reactions to their situation. Sadly, parents who struggle with children rejecting them often do so in private.

However, when parents learn to express empathy through validating their children’s feelings, it can start to reconnect them emotionally and create safety to repair the relationship.

As a reunification/conjoint family therapist, Cathy Himlin believes the key is a child-centered approach, focusing on the child’s emotional perspective.

Cathy Himlin, LMFT, LPCC is a sought after expert supporting child-focused parenting and legal professionals in high conflict cases. She’s the President and CEO of Family Connections Therapy and Founder of Himlin Consulting.

During this episode, we dive into how the courts traumatize families and make the situations worse, additional reasons for children rejecting their parents and how parents can positively influence this through learning new methods of communication and understanding the child's viewpoint and how parental alienation is not so black and white. Cathy wants to bring parents hope that there are other ways to deal with children rejecting them vs. fighting it out in the courtroom.

Join hosts, Mick Smith and Kindra Riber, who are fervently fighting to put an end to the excruciating pain caused by divorce, parental alienation, custody battles, and the disintegration of families. Their mission is to equip you with the necessary tools to heal and recover from the aftermath of family trauma and drama.

For more captivating discussions and valuable insights, visit their podcast page at

If you find yourself entangled in a high-conflict divorce or experiencing the heart-wrenching alienation from your children, they encourage you to share your story with them. Reach out to them at and let your voice be heard."

"In this video, mediation attorney "Chief Peacekeeper™" Scott Levin and therapist Cathy Himlin talk about why a child might come to reject a parent during and after a California divorce. Cathy Himlin has extensive experience in working with children and families dealing with the alienation of a parent and she shares some great insight as to how the alienation may come about and some of the ways it can be addressed inside and outside of the court system.


Children must be protected and the priority for any divorcing couple should be to move through the divorce process with a child-centered and child-focused approach. Mediation is a divorce process option that can limit fighting and minimize tension by getting solutions agreed upon quickly and early on, while also allowing couples to come up with creative solutions for custody that are tailored to their kids specifically. Learn more about how Scott Levin can help mediate your divorce in California at


If litigation is chosen, we encourage couples to engage a therapist for children in need who can help them during the longer win-lose fight in court and hopefully escape with two loving parents who care for them.


When alienation occurs and one parent who wants to parent is not being allowed to by a child, we encourage you to seek out guidance through Cathy Himlin or another similar provider who can help."

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